
january 2006

ducttape lab.
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weekly tips (updated weekly)
tips from the past weeks.

tips form january 2006 go here.

weekly tip -1/02/06-1/08/05
now that its a new year,. time to get new rolls of tape and start a new year of taping.
to kick off this new year, ill let you insert your own tapeing tip this week.(if its any good, plese e-mail it to me)
( insert users tape tip here)
weekly tip- 1/23/06-1/31/06
have a hard time remebering things?
i do, so thats why ithis tip is very practical, like lall the others.
to help you remeber use ductaep , fishinkg line or string and paper.
tape the paper to your string or fishing line and then write a message on it, like remeber to feed children or soemthing liek that, then tape to tother end of the line to the celing above  your bed.
if done properly, the message will be in your face when you wake up.

january starts a new year, new roll of tape, and time to forget the bad time when you miss used ducttape to tape your mother-in-law's alarm to a pillow so she woldnt wake up that morning.